Birding Rwanda

Tours & Safaris


Rwanda is located slightly south of the Equator, in the heart of Africa. It is possible to discover diverse wildlife and exceptional landscapes in the space of ten days. The Akagera savannah park is home to the Big 5 of Africa while the Volcanoes National Park, part of the Virunga massif, is home to Mountain Gorillas and Golden Monkey. Nyungwe, being one of the oldest tropical forests in Africa, is endowed with rich biodiversity, notably Chimpanzees as well as other 12 other species of primates, including the L’Hoest monkey, endemic to the Albertine Rift; it is also home to more than 300 species of birds, 29 of which are endemic to the Albertine Rift region, including the Red-collared Mountain Babbler which is quasi-endemic to Nyungwe.


10 Days Discover the Wonders & Culture of Rwanda

Willard's Sooty Boubou (Laniarius willardi)

10 Days Touring the Nature of Rwanda


The abundant wildlife in Uganda includes about 20 species of primates, savannah wildlife and 1090 species of birds. Kibale National Park is known for its variety of Primates (13 species) while Bwindi Impenetrable and Mgahinga National Parks are renowned Mountain Gorilla sanctuaries. Queen Elizabeth National Park has a large diversity of habitats including lakes, savannah grasslands, forests, and wetlands; hence a Uganda’s most popular savanna park, home to the biggest variety of large mammals and the best place in the country to see tree climbing Lions and Leopard.

Leopard killing 20 Jan 19_Akagera NP Rwanda

10 Days Wildlife & Mountain Gorillas Tour in Uganda


16 Days Safaris & Bird Watching Tour Combining Uganda & Rwanda


Kenya is a country in East Africa with coastline on the Indian Ocean. It encompasses savannah, Lakelands, the dramatic Great Rift Valley and mountain highlands. It’s also home to wildlife like lions, elephants and rhinos. From Nairobi, the capital, safaris visit the Maasai Mara Reserve, known for its annual wildebeest migrations, and Amboseli National Park, offering views of Tanzania’s 5,895m Mt. Kilimanjaro.


8 Days Discover the Wonders of Kenya


13 Days Discover Wanders of Kenya


Game drives are the most done activity in almost all national parks and reserves of Tanzania. Game drives involve travelers embarking on a drive through the savannah plains of the reserves and national parks of Tanzania to see various wild games in the parks, whilst in a safari vehicle. On a guided game drive, your goal is to experience being in the bush and see African wildlife in their natural habitat. The best time to spot wildlife is during the coolest times of the day when most animals are active.

Some of the wild animals in Tanzania that travelers shall come across while on game drive include millions of Wildebeests, large herds of free ranging elephants, schools of hippos, buffaloes, large prides of lions, cheetahs, leopards, rhinos, impalas, elands, giraffes, reedbucks, hartebeest, gazelles, etc.


15 Days Nothern Tanzania Safari & Mountain Gorilla Trek in Rwanda


Located in West Africa, Senegal is a beautiful tourist destination with a vast natural landscape, a vibrant culture, a number of beaches along the Eastern Atlantic Sea and several UNESCO heritage sites, including the most famous “Gorée Island”. Bird watching is one of the main attractions with Sahelian specialties and more widespread in West Africa. Bird watching sites like Djoudj, Saloum Delta, Dindeferlo, etc., are sites not to be missed during your visit the West African region.


16 Days Birding Tour Package in Senegal