Birding Rwanda


There are many interesting sites to see in our tourism destinations, with many guided tours to choose from. There are expeditions to places like volcanoes and rainforests, savannah, lakes, beaches, wetlands and waterfalls which are home to many different African animals and birdlife.

Top Destinations in Rwanda

Nyungwe Forest National Park

(A world heritage site): Is the primary forest and high altitude swamps, the premier birding site in East Africa; along with 13 primate species including Chimpanzees and 300 bird species (including 20 endemics to the Albertine Rift)

Volcanoes National Park:

The worlds’ top location for trekking primates, mainly Mountain Gorillas and Golden Monkeys, hiking Volcanoes and visit to Dian Fossey Tomb; The park is also home to 165 birds , among them Albertine Rift Endemic species and forest specialists.

Akagera National Park

Rwanda’s Safari Park with the African Big Five (Elephants, Buffaloes, Rhinoceros, Lion and Leopard), many antelopes among other Giraffe, Zebra, Topi,  etc. On water cruise you can see Nile Crocodile, Hippopotamus, while on a night game drive you can see and Hyenas. The park is also a home to more than 500 birds among others Red-faced Barbet.

Gishwati-Mukura National Park and Biosphere Reserve

The Park is a forest in the north-western part of Rwanda, not far from Lake Kivu. Gishwati is home to a group of 20 chimpanzees which live alongside golden monkeys, L’Hoest’s and Blue Monkeys. Birds are well represented too, 232 species have been seen at Gishwati and 163 at Mukura, among them Albertine Rift Endemic species and forest specialists.

Lake Kivu

Located in western part of Rwanda, Kivu is the largest lake in Rwanda, shared with Democratic Republic of Congo. At the Lake, you have the option of going on bird walks, kayaking, windsurfing, jet-skiing, traditional fishing, visiting tea and coffee farms, Munezero boat cruise, cycling, Congo Nile trail hikes, etc

Umusambi Village

Located in 8 minutes from Kigali’s airport and 25 minutes from city center, Umusambi Village is the perfect place to start or end your trip in Rwanda. Spend a half day or longer wandering our walking trails, enjoying a guided or self-guided tour and learning about the importance of these wetlands and how we can better protect Grey Crowned Cranes to ensure they do not become extinct. In addition to the cranes, the Village is home to over 100 bird species of native and migratory birds.  

Nyandungu Urban Wetand Eco-tourism Park

Located in 5 minutes from the airport and 20 minutes from the City Center, Nyandungu is a site of 122 ha in the heart of Rwanda’s capital city. The eco-park is with a greenery and tranquil atmosphere, the diverse array of flora and fauna that call this park home. With about 70 species of local plats and many ponds attracting waterbirds; over 100 bird species, including the rare White-collared Oliveback are easily seen here.

Lake and wetlands of Bugesera

The wetlands and lakes of Bugesera District, 40 minutes drive to the south-east of Kigali, offer excellent birding and are probably some of the most easily accessible birding areas in Rwanda. There is a diversity of habitats and some 415 bird species have been recorded in this region. Several sites offer good chances to observe Papyrus Gonolek, Papyrus Canary, White-winged Swamp Warbler, Lesser Jacana, etc.

Rugezi Swamp

The only Ramsar site so far confirmed in Rwanda, Rugezi is a Home to more than 100 birds among other Grauer’s Swamp Warbler and Hotentot Teal.

Additional Toursim Activities

Museums and Genocide Memorials

When you are in Rwanda, visit Museums and Genocide Memorial to learn the Rwandan culture, the History and process of 1994 Tutsi Genocide.

Agri-processing tourism

Don’t miss the tour to Coffee and Tea plantations to understand how these main crops in Rwanda are planted, harvested and possessed up to the consumable product.

Craft and Cultural Villages

From Gorilla guardian, Red Rocks Initiatives, Azizi Life to many more cultural villages, local markets (i.e Kimironko) you will learn about culture and community life and you will be able to buy souvenirs .

Top Destinations in Uganda

In Uganda we organise 10 to 15 days tour for Mountain Gorilla trekking, Chimpanzee trekking, birdwatching , mainly to see Shoebill Stork (and endemic to the Albertine Rift), savannah animals and much more.  

Mabamba Bay Swamp in Uganda

Located west of Entebbe on the northern shore of Lake Victoria,

Mabamba swamp is a Ramsar site and Important Bird Area (IBA) and it hosts over 300 bird species that include many globally threatened species and is a prime wetland birding site famous for the Shoebill Stork and many more waterbirds.. 

Kibale Forest National Park

The forest is more than just Chimpanzees which makes it the East African primate haven. The park hosts over 13 primate species including L’Hoest and has the largest population of red colobus monkeys in East Africa. Kibale Forest hosts 370 bird species including 6 Albertine endemic bird species i.e Dusky Crimsonwing, Red-faced Woodland Warbler, Black-capped Apalis, Collared Apalis and the rare Green-breasted Pitta.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

The park is known for its abundant wildlife: African Elephant, African Buffalo, Ugandan Kob, bTopi, Waterbuck, Warthog, Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Chimpanzee, Lion and over 600 bird species. Kazinga Channel has the perfect view of the parks’ major wildlife ventures among other Hippopotamus and Nile Crocodile. 

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

The Park is in the southwestern Uganda, on the edge of the Albertine Rift region. Species diversity is a feature of the park. It provides habitat for 120 species of mammals, the famous being the Mountain Gorillas. The Forest is a bird watchers paradise with over 347 bird species with 24 Albertine Rift endemic bird species and the rare African Green Broadbill.

Lake Mburo National Park

The Park is a compact gem, located conveniently close to the highway that connects Kampala to the parks of western Uganda.  It is a home to 315 bird species (including the rare Red-faced Barbet). Once covered by open savanna, the park supports the healthy population of Buffalos, Wathhog ,bushpig and hippopotamus.

Semuliki National Park

The Park is dominated by the easternmost extension of the great Ituri Forest of the Congo Basin. The park provides shelter to a further 120 mammals, including several primate species such as baboons and chimpanzees, as well as elephants and Topi, Lions and Leopard. There are around 350 species of birds hosted in this forest, including 23 Albertine Rift endemics. 

Murchison Falls National Park​-unsplash
Murchison Falls National Park

The Park lies at the northern end of the Albertine Rift Valley and is bisected by the Victoria Nile, which plunges 45m over the remnant rift valley wall, creating the dramatic Murchison Falls. Additional to the waterfall, the park is notably blessed with over 556 bird species and 144 mammals including lions, leopards, elephants, giraffes, hartebeests, oribis, Uganda kobs, chimpanzees, etc.

Top Destinations in Kenya

Maasai Mara national Reserve:

Known as one of the world’s most famous wildlife areas or ‘the world’s eight world wonder’, the Masai Mara is bordering Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the South. It has endless plains, abundant wildlife and is the highest concentration of wild animals in the world. Every year from July through October, the Masai Mara becomes the backdrop of one of the most spectacular wildlife shows on earth – the Great Migration- which is unique to the Serengeti and the Masai Mara. The park is the one of Africa great bucket-list safaris destinations to spot the African big 5 as well as the migration of Wildebeest. At the village you can interact with members of Maasai tribe.

Buffalo Springs National Game Reserves: 

The reserve is an ideal destination for birding tour with about 390 bird species including Somali Osrtich, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, etc. The reserve is also a the best sightings of leopards, Gravy’s Giraffe, Beisa Oryx, Gerenuk, Elephants, Lions, etc. 

Lake Nakuru National Park:

Nakuru means “Dust or Dusty Place” in the Maasai language; it is one of the alkaline lake in the Rift Valley with over 400 resident bird species and is famous for the large flocks of Pink Flamingos. Other animals include rhinos (black and white rhinos), Rothschild giraffes, cape buffaloes, olive baboons, impalas, waterbucks, hippos, colobus monkeys, spotted hyenas, zebras, gazelles, leopards, lions, etc. 

Kakamega Forest

The forest has a unique presentation of avifauna with 16 species of bird found only in Kenya; it is an important and significant natural habitat for conservation of avifauna as it currently provides a habitat for the highest number of forest-dependent bird species in Kenya (over 330 species). Kakamega is also a home to various mammals i.e bush pigs, giant forest hedgehogs, Colobus Monkey, Debrazzar Monkeys and Pottos. 

Amboseli National Park

The name Amboseli comes from a Maasai word meaning “salty dust“, the park is crowned by Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, the Amboseli National Parks is one of Kenya’s most popular parks. Also called “Home of the African Elephant”, Amboseli is one of the best places in Africa to view large herds of elephants up close. Other wildlife include Leopard, Cheetah, Wild dogs, Buffalo, Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra, Lion, Crocodile, Mongoose, Hyrax, Dik- dik, Lesser Kudu as well as a prolific birdlife features 600 species. Tourists can also visit the local Maasai community who live around the park and experience their authentic culture.

Tsavo National Park

Also called as “the theatre of wildlife”, Tsavo is a home of different animals especially the big game, especially the African Big five, the big cats and the different species of antelopes: Rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard, pods of hippo, crocodile, waterbucks, lesser Kudu, gerenuk and the prolific bird life features 500 recorded species.

Top Destinations in Tanzania

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti comes from the Maasai language meaning ‘endless plains’ and this rightly describes it  It is best known for its huge herds of plains animals (especially wildebeests, gazelles, and zebras), and it is the only place in Africa with the largest concentration of game and the migration of millions of wildebeest. The park is alos a home to over 500 bird species including Koli Bustard.

Tarangire National Park

Is a wonderful birding destination and also features large numbers of game, particularly during the dry season, when the Tarangire River is the only source of water in the area. The park is also a home to the iconic African big five: African elephant, Rhinoceros, Lions, Leopards, and Buffaloes.

Arusha National Park

Located in the Arusha Region of north eastern Tanzania, only 30 minute from Arusha town, covers Mount Meru, the second highest peak in Tanzania. It is a small park (137km2) but has the great wildlife densities, and it is home to the world’s largest population of giraffe. Besides giraffes, elephants, zebras, buffalos, and hippos are visible easily too.

Mount Kilimanjaro National Park

This is the tallest mountain on the African continent and the highest free-standing mountain in the world. It was designed as the World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987 and Natural Wonder of Africa in 2013. Additional to the hiking, you can also visit a variety of animals found in the park among other Tree Hyrax, Grey and Red Duickers, Bushbuck, Cape Buffaloes and Elepnahts  are found in the montane forest and occasionally in the moorland and grassland while in the montane forests, Blue Monkeys,Eastern Black and White Colobuses,Bushbabies, etc. can be found

Lake Manyara National Park

Well known for its unusual tree-climbing lions and the one of the highest concentrations of elephants in all of Tanzania, buffaloes, zebras, antelopes. The park is also home to 400 bird species and is famous for housing vast flocks of flamingos.

Zanzbar Island:

One of the reasons why Zanzibar is Africa’s top tourist destination is the fact it’s home to plenty of pristine beaches. Featuring blue waters, perfect white sand, and surrounded by palm trees, Most tourist activities and stunning Resorts are found at Unguja Island;  it is where Stone Town located, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is a fascinating mix of African, Arab, Indian, and European cultures.

Top Destinations in Senegal

Djoudj National Park

Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1981, contains more than 400 species of birds, the most visible are Pelicans and Flamingos, African Spoonbill, the Purple Heron, White Pelican, etc.  

Niokolo Koba National Park

Located in a well-watered area along the banks of the Gambia river, the gallery forests and savannahs of Niokolo-Koba National Park have a very rich fauna and birdlife;  Approximately 350 different bird species and about 80 mammals including 6 primate species can be found in the park.  among them Derby elands (largest of the antelopes).

Dindefelo Nature Reserve

Its boundaries follow the border between Senegal and Guinea-Conakry to the west and south, the Gambia River to the east, and a buffer zone separating small villages, crop fields and plantations to the north and some gallery forest. With this variety if ecosystem, the resrve holds stunning species like Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird, Guinea and Violet Turacos, African Paradise-Flycatcher, and the scarce Narina Trogon.

Saloum Delta

Senegal’s Saloum Delta is a watery world of mangrove swamps, small islets, creeks and shallow lagoons. It’s hard to imagine a more perfect place for a bird to live. And live here they do, in their hundreds. Of the 650 bird species in Senegal, 200 species can be seen around this delta.